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Being Essential


For me one of the more interesting aspects of 2020 and the early pandemic was the rise of the term "essential" when referring to some workers in our country. All of the sudden we had a clear understanding of which jobs provided for and served us in a way that simply had to continue. The noble nature of the work done by healthcare professionals was front and center, but also the grocery store employees, gas station attendants, and yes truckers were seen in a whole new light. It was about that time, March 2020, that I was evaluating my options as someone who had just disconnected from a steady paycheck in pursuit of a small business that seemed dead on arrival. In taking steps to find a viable path forward I started on a journey in logistics. I applied for an Amazon Delivery Service Partnership, worked in warehouses, purchased a box truck, and began learning everything I could about transportation.

In 33 days on November 19, 2021 we will be launching a full scale up of Good Sheppard Delivery to a team of more than 40 people and a fleet of 10 Box Trucks. We are starting in the same city were the Wright Brothers dreamed of flight and where my wife and I met at the University of Dayton. I am thrilled to be providing an essential service and building the kind of work culture great workers deserve.

I look forward to sharing some of the journey here from time to time.

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